About Us

Helsenhorn SA is a trading company based in Swiss that gives global services specializing in various chain supplements in the F&B industry. Our services retain consulting sessions in new product development, recipe emendation, sustenance, and labeling. We also provide you services from the primary concept of the product to the final version of the product.

Helsenhorn is here to help you provide the most suitable products with the best production procedure in target markets. Together with our suppliers, we can give you solutions regarding your needs while considering quality and cost optimization. Helsenhorn cooperates with the major suppliers in diverse industries that are in touch with food and beverage globally. We interact with our local and international partners to keep the growth of gilt-edged companies worldwide.

In this journey, we support our customers from the pre-production phase containing consultation, Production lines design, raw material supplement, and product development. Also, we are pleased to be known as a reliable, top-selected partner for our customers and business partners.

We research the new and current market to ensure that all offered resources are feasible, controlled, and functional. We carefully choose our partners among the ones who provide the most pre-eminent products following international standards. Since the company commenced, Helsenhorn has developed schemes and new products in this industry and has been able to offer its services alongside the top companies due to its elucidative approach.

Our Mission

Our mission is to attract and attain customers via permanent supplements of high-quality commodities, also; to create a good reputation for the customers by researching, developing, and committing to the topmost standards. Furthermore, by having years of experience and expertise in any aspect of the F&B industry, besides working with valuable key partners in this industry, our company can help you achieve your temporary or long-term objectives.

Our Values

Our customers and suppliers expect a business with continuous profitability. Therefore, we try our best to meet their demand by providing high-quality services, consulting with experienced and conversant experts, and increasing efficiency. The commitment to provide services capabilities of using high-tech devices and info systems, efficient and reliable distributions of raw materials, and the harmonization of customers' needs and wishes, are only a part of what Helsenhorn is trying to forge for its customers.